June Gilbert Collins - Founder and CEO

June Gilbert Collins - Founder and CEO

June Gilbert Collins, CEO and Founder, has always enjoyed assisting people in bettering their lives and circumstances. When she accepted a position as Executive Director of a low-performing school, she was determined to turn it around, get it off probation, and become a model school in its community. There was, however, one obstacle in her path. Many employees were resistant to change. Because of the high turnover in leadership, they did not trust her and were afraid to form a relationship for fear that she, too, would not stay longer than the usual six months of her predecessors.

With only six months to prove the school could be turned around and kept from closing its doors permanently, Gilbert Collins felt her priority was saving the school rather than developing her staff. This means she did the majority of the operational tasks herself. It also meant that she would work 50 to 60 hours per week, forego family and personal time, and take no vacations. The school had become a success and a role model, but it had almost cost her life.


Gilbert Collins arrived at work one morning and found she couldn't recall the building's security code. Then she realized she had forgotten the name of the staff person who had assisted her in opening the door. When she realized she was having trouble recalling dates, she called her doctor, who promptly advised her to come in. An MRI revealed that she had suffered two TIAs (mini-strokes)! She was instructed to take two weeks off work and devise a plan to care for herself or risk having a major stroke and potentially dying.

Those two weeks changed her life! She realized the value of her team and used the time away to build systems and procedures to empower to be the leaders they needed to be. What occurred next was transformative! In less than a year, enrollment more than doubled, the school received multiple honors, and it became a sought-after school by customers and businesses alike. Businesses invited her to speak at their establishments and sought her out as a place for student interns to learn best practices! This model was so successful that Gilbert Collins now uses it to teach individuals how to take charge of their personal and professional development and become Legendary Leaders!


June Gilbert Collins holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management and a Master’s in Adult Education and Training and is a certified Life Purpose Coach. She has a proven leadership record of developing stellar leaders who have gone on to run successful businesses. During her career as a school Administrator she has been recognized with awards for Best Improved School, Most Revenue Over Budget, Highest Retention of Employees and Customers, and Successfully Navigating Teams Through Organizational Change. Her success led her to be promoted as a Regional Area Director Mentor to develop other leaders and start her own training and consulting business.

June is an international speaker and trainer and has been providing mentorship and training programs to women in Zambia through her company Legendary Leadership Academy. She is passionate about helping underserved women and children improve their lives through education, entrepreneurship, and empowerment. Her company Legendary Leadership Academy gives generously to support schools and empowerment initiatives in third world countries. Read more about this project under the "We Give Back" tab.  


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“People Who Succeed at the Highest Level are doing something Differently” — Tony Robbins

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